Anybody who has a toddler knows how hectic bedtime can be. For us...it's even more hectic! When Dylan was about 5 months old he would throw up...not just a little...but a lot...and there was no pattern as to when it would happen. Dylan was tested for a lot of things but the doctors couldn't ever find anything wrong with him. Sometimes he'd be sleeping and all of the sudden throw up all over the place. Being a first-time and paranoid mom, I was worried that Dylan would throw up and put his head in it and not be able to breathe--Which began the habit of sleeping with Mommy! I'm embarrassed to admit this but, because I get up so early for work and, by bedtime, I'm tired...I haven't ever put forth enough effort to get Dylan to sleep in his bed. A few weeks ago I asked Dylan when he was going to start sleeping in his own bed and he told me he would when he got as big as Uncle Anthony (Anthony's 29!). The radio station I listen to in the mornings has a parenting expert on there weekly and 1 day a lady called in and wanted to know if it was weird that her 12-year-old was still sleeping in her bed...argh! Is it weird? Are you crazy? After visions of having a 12-year-old sleep in my bed I realized it was time for a change! Thus began the task of getting Dylan to sleep in his own bed! My sister, Tracy, made up a bedtime chart. Dylan gets to put a checkmark after each task he completes (Go potty, wash hands, brush teeth, read books, say prayers, go to sleep). This has been a great tool because Dylan can put a visual on when it's time to go to bed. I'm happy to report that we've made progress! Although Dylan usually comes in my bed sometime in the middle of the night I've at least got him convinced he must fall asleep in his own bed. I don't always notice but when Dylan comes in my bed I take him back to his. Last night we were reading a new book called "Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?" This book is like the "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" book but a little more complicated. Anyway, the first time through I read the book and then Dylan wanted to read it the second time. When it got to the part that said, "Whooping crane, whooping crane, what do you see?" Dylan paused and said, "Whipping cream, whipping cream, what do you see?" A few pages later we got to the part about the macaroni penguin and, just as confident as ever, Dylan read, "Mac & cheese penguin, mac and cheese penguin, what do you see?" Oh, how I love my little guy!
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