Chase and Dyl love to dance so we decided to put them in an all-boys hip-hop/breakdancing class. These pictures were taken on the day of their performance but I couldn't really get too many good pics during their dance as it was too dark. I couldn't decide which pictures to post 'cuz there were so many cute ones...So here are a few of my favorites!
There are no better days than lazy dayz hanging out around the house: putting puzzles together, playing board games or "go fish", throwing a football or looking for bugs in the backyard...
I never did quite understand boys or the weird things they do...And, since being the mother of one of these strange creatures, I've received confirmation that I never will!
If I swear or say something naughty, you'd better believe Dyl will realize it's wrong and repeat it!
Sleeping in is a thing of the past!
Never spend too much time preparing a meal 'cuz that's the 1 time Dyl won't be hungry.
I really do have a great sense of humor!
Parenting advice from those with teenagers is great wisdom.
No matter how many parenting books I read or how many "Love and Logic" classes I attend, you'd better believe Dyl will try something that wasn't even discussed!
Spongebob is actually quite entertaining and tends to be a fabulous babysitter on occasion!
No matter how badly my day has gone, just a big squeezy hug from Dyl can make everything seem perfect!
I thrive on living the unexpected and appreciate all of life's joys and challenges. I pray to always be mindful of tiny everyday miracles and never take for granted the life God has given me. At the center of my universe is an adorable, strong-willed, loving and rambunctious little boy named Dylan; he is the reason for every decision I make in my life. I hope to always teach Dylan to be strong, loyal, happy, sincere and compassionate. Then will I know I have succeeded at my ultimate goal in life...That of being a great mom!