Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cheetahs in church...Or maybe 10 Lepers?

Mom: What did you learn in church today, Dyl?
Dyl: We talked about cheetahs. Jesus saw 10 cheetahs and their bodies were yucky and had sores all over them. Even the doctors couldn't fix them and people were afraid to play with them 'cuz the people didn't wanna get sick from them. So the cheetahs asked Jesus to heal them and then he did.
Mom: Well that was a wonderful story. That's awesome Jesus could heal them and make them better when even the doctors couldn't fix them.
Dyl:'s not cool 'cuz only 1 of those cheetah people came back and thanked Jesus for making him better. Those other cheetahs are way rude!
**Sounds a little bit like the story of the 10 lepers to me...Leopards, confusing!