Today I reflect back to exactly 5 years ago when my life changed forever. I went into the hospital to be induced to give birth to Dylan. As I think about it now it was actually comical in some ways and a little bit scary in others. I had spent the last 9 months of my life researching on the internet every little detail of what was going on every week with the tiny little thing I carried inside of me. I couldn't wait to see which body part was growing one week and what was happening with the baby the next week. Iwas about to become a single mother, soon to be divorced and left to raise a child on my own, but I wasn't really scared at all. All my life all I'd ever wanted to be was a mother. I was so excited to bring Dylan into this world that I really didn't think much about the circumstances of my life nor did I care about anything but giving this child, of which I called my little miracle baby, the best life he could possibly have. I remember going in for every appointment just a tad bit nervous and praying to hear a heartbeat. I remember the first ultrasound when I found out Dyl would be a boy, and crying my eyes out at the joy, with Leslie and Tracy there to share that beautiful experience with me. I remember how excited my mom was and how she couldn't wait to shop for baby clothes. I remember the outpouring of love, both from family and friends, and the feeling of knowing things would be alright. I was sick...horribly sick...during my whole pregnancy with Dylan. I guess that was a sign for things to come! :)
When the actual day arrived, though, I couldn't believe it was finally my time to become a mother. I'd gone into the hospital on March 8th to be induced. My sister, Tracy, spent the night with me and it was a good thing 'cuz whatever they did to me, I had to get up every 5 minutes and pee! Tracy was so helpful--getting up all night long to help me push the monitors close to the bathroom. It was so nice to have some company and it was such a bonding time with my sister. I was a little nervous but more excited than anything else.
At about 2:30 or so in the morning all of the sudden we heard banging and screaming coming from the room next door. The poor lady was yelling, "Get this thing out of me!!!" I looked over at Tracy and said, "I think this is really gonna hurt!"
Anyway, after no sleep for either one of us, the morning progressed. My mom and dad, along with my friend, Denise, and my sister, Leslie, came up to spend the day with me. A little while later Dylan's dad arrived as well. I quickly dilated to a 3 and decided I was ready for an epideral. Leslie laughed at me but it was getting a little uncomfortable! :) I dilated to a 4 and then...nothing. At around 3p Dr. Later came into the room and said, "I hate to give you the bad news but I think we're going to have to do a c-section." "Yes, I exclaimed!" Most women wouldn't be too excited about a c-section but, by this time I was exhausted! I remember thinking there's no way I'd have enough energy to push so this was good news to me.
Only 1 person could be in the operating room with me to my mom came in. I just remember a bunch of tugging and pulling and, before I knew it my mom said Dylan was out. It seemed like forever and ever and ever...but finally I heard Dyl's loud cry and it was music to my ears! The nurses cleaned Dyl up and handed him to my mom for a sec. I got to look at Dyl as my mom held him and said, "Look, Nicole...He already needs a haircut!" (The Findlays really aren't used to babies with hair!) The nurse wheeled me out to do my post-surgery tests and, by time I got back into my room, I was told Dyl wasn't breathing very well so they were running more tests on him. Dyl had a bowel movement while he was still inside me and stuff got down into his lungs. I was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open. I dosed in and out of sleep as we were waiting for more news. Before long they wheeled Dyl into my room in an incubator. His little chest was moving up and down so fast and he was connected up to a bunch of machines. Dyl was going to be life-fighted to LDS Hospital. I don't know why but I wasn't worried. I had a calm feeling come over me and I knew he'd be ok. As soon as they wheeled Dylan out of my room I zonked out!!
My sister, Tracy, drove to the hospital and a couple of friends from my ward actually beat the life flight up there to give Dylan a blessing. Tracy was such a trooper! I'm not quite sure how she stayed awake for so long but she was the angel who watched over Dylan in those first moments of his life. I will forever be grateful to Tracy for this.
I talked the doctor into releasing me a day early so I could go spend time with my baby. I walked into the ICU and looked around for my baby. I wondered if I'd even recognize him as my moments so far with him had been brief. As I was signing in I peered over to the right and the very first cart said "Dylan." I couldn't wait to go over and see him. As I got closer I could tell Dylan was sound asleep but I whispered, "Dylan." Dyl's eyes opened wide and he stared at me, recognizing who I was...and then dozed back off to sleep. I will never forget that moment, a moment when I saw a little piece of heaven.
The nurses there were so loving and friendly. Most of the babies there were preemies and so, so tiny it's a miracle they were even alive. Dyl weighed over 7 lbs and there was 1 other baby there who weighed over 8. The nurses would go through their checks and joke saying, "Now it's onto the fat babies!"
I spent the next week up in the ICU rocking Dylan all day long. Then I'd go home at night, get some rest, and return the next day. Finally Dyl got to come home and the rest is history!
I can't remember what my life was like before I had Dylan. It seems like he's been here forever but yet I can't believe he's already 5. I feel like I've known Dyl forever and I wouldn't change a thing about him. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I will never love any human being more than I love Dylan. I treasure every moment I'm able to spend with him and I thank God every day for trusting me with this beautiful child. I want to protect him. I want to give him the opportunity to experience things I've never experienced. I want him to grow up knowing that, no matter what happens in his life, his mother is always standing next to him and cheering him on. Sometimes I worry about making the wrong decisions and sometimes I KNOW I'm making some of the wrong decisions. Sometimes I worry about every little quirky behavior and how I'm going to help him "fix" it. Most of all, though, I treasure everything about Dylan and think he is an absolutely amazing child. Some days I sit back and watch him play or look at his big feet and wonder how he got so big. Other days I just cuddle up to him 'cuz I know it won't be long before he doesn't wanna cuddle anymore. What an absolutely amazing child I have! Lucky me...Lucky me!