I know I'm going to have a total meltdown when the first day of kindergarten arrives. Today was Dyl's 5-year-kindergarten check-up and it was harder on me that it was on him! Although I'm getting a little better I absolutely hate it when Dyl has to get shots. Before we got to the doctor's office I told Dyl he was going to have to be big and get some shots so he'd be healthy for kindergarten. "That's okay, Mom--I'm tough and it will only hurt for a minute." After Dyl's usual flirting with the cute nurse, all the little tests, pee in the cup, and exam.. it was TIME. In went 2 of the needles and Dyl let out a big "ouch" and did a great big squeeze on my hand--And I could tell it hurt like mad...But Dyl was so brave and didn't cry out one little peep! He was so proud of himself he wanted to rush right over to Aunt Leslie's house. "Hurry, Mom...I don't want the shots to disappear before she can see how brave I was!" Luckily, by time we made it to Lez's house the shot marks were still there. ...Just one little glimpse how tough it is to grow up. What a trooper!