Dylan is growing like a weed! I never thought I could ever love a human being so much! I love his giggle, his boisterous little personality...and even the way he throws tantrums and tells me I'm mean! Yesterday when Dylan got in trouble I asked how come he was having such a rough day. With a big pouty face he replied with, "Because Aunt Leslie always tells me you're gonna be REALLY mad at me! I'm not gonna be your mom anymore!" I told him it's a good thing that he's my son! He's so picked on!
Dylan is in his first year of preschool at Sunshine Square and absolutely LOVES it! I'm amazed at how such a little mind can take in so much information and retain it! He's learned such things as the"Pledge of Allegiance," his ABC's, how to be a good friend ,and lots and lots of songs. Dylan has so much fun with his friends at school. Miss Leslie is his teacher and she's wonderful! I took the day off work today so I get to go pick Dylan up from school for the first time! Yeah! It's the little simple things that I miss out on because I work that I really treasure when I actually CAN be involved! Sometimes I sit back and look at Dylan and wish he could just stay little forever. Then...before I know it he's outgrown all his clothes. At the first of fall I bought about 10 pairs of jeans for Dyl and all but 2 pair were huge on him. The other day I was watching him button up his pants that were previously huge and he was sucking in his belly just to get them done up! My baby just keeps growing and growing!
I have so much more I wanna say but at least this is a start!
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