1 adorable kid+ 1 crazy mom=2
Thomas invited us over for a BBQ today and this is what Dyl had picked out for him. I enjoyed watching Dyl interact with his Papa and Dad. Afterwards, Grandpa taught Dyl how to build a fire...Ever wonder where Dylan gets his good looks from?
On this special day I also celebrate those who have filled in and stepped up to be great male role models for Dylan. I'm extremely grateful to my own dad for the person he is and for providing me with a wonderful childhood. I have such fond memories of my dad growing up. At the time it really stunk...but I have such great memories of doing chores with my dad and feeding all the animals in the tough, cold, Idaho winters at 6:00 in the morning. My dad wasn't just a dad. As busy as he was trying to provide for his family it seems like he never wore out. He would come home from school every day and take a 10-minute nap with kids jumping all over him and then he'd be good to go for the night. What a chore it must've been to be responsible for raising 7 human beings and how easy he always made it look. My dad is a man of character and compassion. If there is ever anyone in need you'd better believe my dad will be there and be the first to step in. My dad has always had a love for the elderly and would take us often to visit relatives and elderly neighbors. My dad is and has always been there for the underdog. He definitely picked the right profession when he went into teaching because he genuinely cares about children and the struggles some of them go through. I could go on forever and write a novel about how wonderful my dad is but there's not enough room on my blog or the entire internet. One other thing I would like to mention, however, is that I love my dad more and more every time I see him with Dylan and see the wonderful relationship they have. I am truly a blessed girl!