Dyl was trying to get my attention and pulled my thumb back. I had this throbbing pain shoot up into my wrist so I grabbed my hand and muttered, "AHHH!" This is what transpired next:
Dylan: Mom, do you want me to get you some medicine?
Mom: No, Dyl...I'm ok.
Dylan: Well you do you want me to get you some water?
Mom: No, Dyl...I'm ok.
Dylan: Do you want me to kiss it better?
Mom: That might be nice...
Dylan: Do you want a back rub?
Mom: That'd feel good.
Dylan: (With a pouty face) Do you want a new son?
Mom: Of course I don't want a new son...I picked you so you're stuck with me!
Dylan: Ya, 'cuz other sons don't hold doors open for their moms and other sons don't make homemade french fries with their moms and other sons don't give their moms great big hugs and kisses...And other sons don't take their moms to the movies or sing to them.
Mom: That's right, bud...That's why I would never, ever give you away...'cuz you're so special!
Dylan: Well can I go live with Grandma and Grandpa 'cuz it's boring in this house and there's nothing to do and no fun stuff. Grandpa likes popcorn and he'll share with me. Then if I started to miss you then I could just ride the horse over here.